Hydrogen will fly in the Northern Netherlands
The industrial hydrogen ecosystem in the Northern Netherlands is receiving a significant boost that builds onto the foundation laid by the first Hydrogen Valley in Europe. The motivating reason for this is the WAviatER project: Hydrogen production technology for the Aviation sector and Energy applications at a Regional level. At the beginning of this month, the Northern Netherlands Alliance awarded a grant to this project from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). As part of this project, a Northern Netherlands consortium will be developing green hydrogen technology. The consortium partners are Douna Machinery Leeuwarden, JB Besturingstechniek, REDstack, Demcon, Groningen Airport Eelde, New Energy Coalition and the University of Groningen, supported by the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and VONK, a leading power and control systems solutions provider. The first concrete application is at Groningen Airport Eelde: Hydrogen Valley Airport. An electrolyzer will be developed here to produce green hydrogen as an emission-free energy carrier for light airplanes, drones and ground material. “In the Northern Netherlands this is the first step towards an ecosystem of companies that develop their own products for the green hydrogen economy.” Read more...